IDeA National Resource for Quantitative Proteomics Nationwide Voucher Program- 2024.02.15

Deadline: February 15th, 2025 11:59 PM EST

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Nationwide Voucher Program

Application due dates: 11:59pm EST on October 15, February 15, June 15 

Anticipated number of awards: 50 annually 

Award budget: Voucher for 10-plex TMT or up to 40 DIA samples. 

Award Period: Samples must be submitted within 3 months from award date 

Eligibility: NIH-funded investigators and others from academic laboratories performing research within the mission areas of NIGMS from across the United States. Limited to one submission per Principal Investigator per due date and one awarded voucher per lab per year.  

Pre-Application Screening: Interested applicants are required to contact the resource at at least two weeks prior to the application deadline to discuss experimental design and eligibility and to obtain the required project/cost summary. 

Application: Applications are to be submitted at, are limited to 2 pages (11pt font, single spaced, 0.5-inch margins) and should include the following sections: 

  • Project Overview-outlining the specific research question. 

  • Preliminary Studies-providing example data to support the proposed proteomics analysis. 

  • Experimental Design-propose a specific proteomics experiment including methodology (TMT or DIA), total number of samples, description of sample groups and experimental variables, and justification of number of replicates. 

  • Quality Control Data-provide evidence of sample sufficiency and quality such as a gel image, protein concentration assayor description of sample preparation protocol including buffer components. 

  • Data Utilization-discussing how the proteomics data will be used to support work within the scope of NIGMS. 

  • Other documents for submission-Principal Investigator NIH Biosketch and NIH Other Support documents; project/cost summary (see Pre-Application Screening). 

Review and PrioritizationStaff from the National Resource will evaluate applications using an NIH-style study section review. Meritorious applications from under-resourced institutions, and those from diverse backgrounds, including groups underrepresented in biomedical sciences will be prioritized along with applicants with NIH early-stage or new investigator status. 

Other requirements: Voucher recipients are required to acknowledge NIGMS and the National Resource grant number (R24GM137786) in all reporting data.